10 Amazing facts about GTA V
We didn't discover these amazing fact on our own - huge thanks to the great communities at Reddit and GameFAQS for initially discovering on these finds. And by the way please share more GTA v details in comments.
- Failing and repeating a mission will give you a several slightly different versions of the same pre-mission briefing dialogue.
- Flip flop actually flop when worn - they aren't glued to the bottom of your foot.
- When wading in water, your clothes get wet - but only up to the point ou actually waded. the rest of you stays dry.
- If you hail and hop into taxi at the airport when someone was already waiting for one, they'll get mad and shout at you, or try to pick a fight.
- Michael will confess to and discuss random events that just happened when visiting his psychiatrist, like sleeping with prostitutes or running over pedestrians.
- If you talk to a character on the phone and call them again right afterwards, they comment on having just spoke to you.
- Backfiring cars can ignite gas trails.
- If you stop your car in the road and block traffic, drivers behind you will flick you off.
- If you try to force Trevor to listen to certain kinds of music, he'll get angry and overide you, changing the radio station back himself.
- If you spend a lot of money customizing your car, random NPCs will stop and compliment you on it, and start snapping pictures.
We didn't discover these amazing fact on our own - huge thanks to the great communities at Reddit and GameFAQS for initially discovering on these finds. And by the way please share more GTA v details in comments.
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